McCormick X6 with its 3.6-liter Deutz Tier 4 Final engine, it’s the successor of the McCormick X5. This model offers 126 HP maximum power and two types of transmission system with hydraulic reverse shuttle: 12+12 (Speed four) or 36+12 (Xtrashift) with HML. High performance ratings for the rear hitch with 6,000 kg lift capacity and for the 66 l/ min open-center hydraulic circuit. The range, which conforms to Mother Regulation dictates, also includes models X6.45 and X6.35 featuring 119 HP and 110 HP maximum power ratings, respectively. Maximum rear wheel size has been increased from 34” to 38” for this range. A mechanical two-point suspension for the cab and provision for the innovative Isobus and satellite steering systems are among the latest options.